> 文章列表 > 用英语说介绍春节习俗




德国的新年,钱包放鱼鳞 钟响跳椅子.庆祝时间前后有一周.这期间,家家户户都要摆上一棵枞树和可树,树叶间系满绢花,表示繁花如锦,春满人间.德国人在除夕晚上会吃猪蹄肉、煮鹅以及卷心菜等传统食物。餐桌上摆满了令人垂涎欲滴的美食,人们围坐在一起品尝美食、聊天、观看烟花。德国人认为吃汤圆会带来好运,并相信新年的第一个人造成厉难迈。

Germany\'s New Year, the wallet is full of fish scales, and the clock jumps on the chair. The celebration lasts for about a week. During this period, every household must put up a fir tree and a spruce tree, with silk flowers tied between the leaves, symbolizing blooming flowers and the arrival of spring. On New Year\'s Eve, Germans will eat traditional foods such as pig trotters, cooked goose, and cabbage. The dining table is filled with delicious food that makes people drool, and people gather together to taste the food, chat, and watch fireworks. Germans believe that eating dumplings will bring good luck and believe that the first person in the new year sets the tone for the rest of the year.

用英文介绍中国新年的习俗 -

Spring FestivalThe Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It is on January 1st according to the lunar calendar, which is different from the Gregorian calendar. It\'s a time for families to get together, similar to Christmas in the West. People clean their houses thoroughly before the festival to sweep away bad luck and make way for good luck in the coming year. They also decorate their homes with red paper-cuts and couplets, which symbolize good fortune. Another important tradition is the giving and receiving of red envelopes (hongbao) containing money, which brings blessings and prosperity. Fireworks and firecrackers are set off to drive away evil spirits and bring good fortune. In addition, lion and dragon dances, as well as the traditional dragon boat race, are performed during the festival as a way to pray for a good harvest and protection from evil spirits.


春节习俗 Spring Festival TraditionsThe Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people. It is a time when families come together to celebrate and welcome the coming year. Here are some of the customs and traditions of the Spring Festival:

One: Cleaning the house - before the festival, people clean their houses thoroughly to get rid of bad luck and make way for good luck in the new year. It is believed that a clean house brings good fortune and prosperity.

Two: Decorating with red - red is considered a lucky color in Chinese culture. During the Spring Festival, doors and windows are decorated with red paper-cuts and couplets, which are believed to bring good luck and keep evil spirits away.

Three: Reunion dinner - on New Year\'s Eve, families gather to have a special dinner together. This dinner is an important part of the festival and symbolizes unity and togetherness.

Four: Red envelopes - during the Spring Festival, married couples and elders give red envelopes filled with money to children and unmarried individuals. It is a gesture of good luck and blessings for the coming year.

Five: Fireworks and firecrackers - setting off fireworks and firecrackers is a common practice during the Spring Festival. It is believed that the loud noises can scare away evil spirits and bring good fortune.

Six: Lion and dragon dances - lion and dragon dances are performed during the festival to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits. The rhythmic movements of the lion and dragon are believed to bring prosperity and happiness.

In conclusion, the Spring Festival is a time of celebration, reunion, and good fortune for the Chinese people. It is a time when traditions and customs are passed down from generation to generation, bringing joy and happiness to everyone.
